It was a lovely day in the rural flat lands, corn all gathered in, potatoes' browned off heads waiting to be lifted. Recently we were asked by a couple from Texas what these strange plants were, presumably they had not been to Ohio, - is that where potatoes come from?
Other exhibitors were a mixed bunch, I liked the automota by John, Helen's large and silent partner.
Lin has never shown her work before, one of H's deadly virtues is bullying people into having some confidence about their work.
John2 takes and prints rather wonderful digital photos, and only jealousy stopped me buying one, no matter how little room their might be.
Finally Heather stitched and dyed, in a not very exciting way, but perfectly competently. She called this Homage to Tiamen which does lend it more gravitas.
We stopped off on the way back at Walberswick for tea and cakey, lovely pub amongst the salt flats leading to the sea, and all was gorgeous - till i realised I had left my bag back at the gallery, which lengthened the return journey considerably Four times through the one way system of Beccles is 4 too many.