Xmas day was cloudy, wrinklies turned up and seemed to have a good time, except ma in law forgot to bring our Xmas presents - but that is what it is like to be a wrinkly, as I am finding out.
Today is a real gift as it is sunny, if with a cold N wind.
Lots of people in their Xmas knits walking happy dogs round The Clamp. Hattie agreed to leave her Xmas toy behind and accompany us, she was also happy to return to said toy and the knowledge that there is still much turkey and ham awaiting consumption when we got back. Always a helpful doggy.
Skyped with young mother, father and baby in his Santa outfit. Lots of snow in Reno.
Son has not yet got round to getting a web camera, so got his phone call passed to his g'ma when the pics of smiley baby arrived.
Son says he and the other "orphans" [those without a partner to organise a Xmas for them] are gathering at the local bar to deep fry a turkey. He thought he would take mashed potatoes, but no means to reheat except deep fat fryer so i expect they will go in too.
I have new scarlet slippers, too soft to click, a dongle so I can get on line when we are away, a silky bed spread and lots of book tokens [once the last lot limp in].
I am reading American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld at the mo, Amazon sent me 2 [my fault, impatient finger] and as i am enjoying it have given other copy to Noisy Friend. Usually we totally disagree on films and books, it will be interesting to see if this one brings us together.
Friend in the West Country sent me an Eco Diary which is very absorbing with lots of sky, earth, flora and fauna info. Very complex, but very simple, hopefully I will finally be able to identify more than Orion's Belt.
Sherlock Holmes play is about to come on the wireless, so shall stitch a bit and listen, except Dylan is doing one of his music pics on this station........................choices.