It is a grey, chilly, wet day with an added serving of persistent rain. Some time back we were moaning about two months without wetness falling from the sky [the holes are very small so the rain is very thin - thanks Spike]
So cannot resist a pic received today of the blessed gorgeousness wearing the ghastly Sainsbury's pumpkin suit I sent him. Hurray.
I would upload the video of the hayride, geese aflying, Maize maze but fortunately, or not, I don't know how.
Yesterday I went to SLAPPERS and bullied the members as to the quality of the 5' lady shapes we are making for exhibition in January here.
We were going to call the exhibition Big Women, till "Why does nobody listen" was co-opted as a title - obviously i wasn't present at the time.
Having dismissed it immediately as hippy whinging belonging to the 70s [they were so startled I got away with it] happily K came up with the title "Largely Women" which we all snatched up and polished with glee.
Flyers are even now winging their way from the printer to unsuspecting recipients in the area, or will be soon.
There was some whining about who could steward and when; K would be abroad, A would be working, L is always busy, so i stamped thru the cackle and announced I would steward every day if needed and could we get on to the next subject.
Hmmmmmm, I guess when I have a headache part of my brain is dealing with fending it off, so my inhibitions are reduced.
Having stamped all over that scenario I left them to denigrate my behaviour in time honoured fashion, and went to the next battle - putting up the current exhibition. I was well up for it. as the young persons say [or used to, last time I parlayed] so hanging work was fairly fast and without too much negotiation.
I totally blanked K2 when she tried to suggest her arrangement would be more successful but after she had stamped out, young L who is the 2nd most amiable person I know persuaded me to reverse the decision without even leaving a mark.
Some people have these skills. I put it down to her having read Anthropology for her Degree [an unfair advantage].
However the University of Life [and the OU] supported me thru and when I left most pieces were where I had put them; it will be interesting to see where they are when I steward this afternoon.