However Mr Wickedleaks will probably have a different view. He has to sign on with Mr Plod at the Plod Station in Beccles every day, to prove he is still here under Mansion House arrest, with or without condoms.
It was amusing that the big important judge set such store by the strict rules by which Mr S can be set free in our vicinity..................he must go to the police station every day, wear a tag etc.
Sadly the city courts perhaps don't realise what happens at their cosy retreats.
The the nearest police station to young Julian in Bungay only opens 3 morning a a week.
Thus he has to make the journey to Beccles, as Mr Plod will be there every week day afternoon for at least two hours each the afternoon, if he isn't out patrolling.
At weekends there are no police apparently in either town except the ones who will have to drive over from somewhere else to his country cottage and check him out for themselves.
Of course snow is forecast.....................and most of the grit and sand has been used up.......