Yesterdays walk in the sunshine, glory be praised, was in wellies thru icey mud.
Went to a Textile show on Friday, the Three Disgraces went too as a homing beacon on our Forum table to all stitchers with a rebellious frame of mind. Seemed to work, but maybe I wasn't there to witness the more critical responses to work that was so merrily bodged.
Not merry today, rain is p*ssing down, sky is overcast [as it would be to maintain a logical world view] and I have a headache.
Can't remember what this intense line of concentration was viewing, obviously some fascinating technique, most of the stall holders seemed to have sprouted eccentric headgear this year.
Re-upholstery seems to be a good practical craft to learn, also good for the hips it seemed as the demonstrators had the tightest leanest jeans on show.
That intense line of concentration looks like some kind of papermaking to me (narrows eyes & views with suspicion) lol
Plenty of peeps come to view - good to see. Well-upholstered backsides on view too - enviable!
'Our' felters make hats that look like pixie's Sunday-go-to-meeting gear (I'll leave you to try to work that one out until I get a pic) and the younger of the trio wears one all the time, has trouble releasing it to go to bed she claims. She looks cute.
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