This hand stitched picture was on the wall of the Dorset house. I don't know if it was done from a transfer and instructions, it was certainly old.
I thought the variation of stitching in the clothes and scenery was really effective. It was also such an appropriate pic for the area. [double click on pic. to see the detail]
I enjoyed living with it for a week and thought i would bring this souvenir home with us.
I heard that I have sold the Dance IV piece at the library exhibition, this is good news as i wasn't at all keen on it.
I promised myself I would pull it apart and try again once I
got it home, odds on I wouldn't, so it would just niggle.
So double good that someone else will take it home and hopefully enjoy it.
Good news about sale and nice that you lived with the work of a like-minded soul.
I wish I could write my blog on the iPad but it won't take it and there's no time at home just now. Sophie's here and I'm off to Cornwall next week. Holiday! Hooray!
I'm glad that your Dance IV piece will have a new home. The stitched beach scene is charming but it looks a little common next to the wonderful art you create imo. Cheers!
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