Big ungainly word for unprofitable science, vain, useless art or skill - hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Lots of mataeotechnists at the Knit and Stitch, maybe.
I liked this portrait, the use of the over lapping nets for shading, the flick of the fingers.
This tea cosy has character too. I rarely make a pot of tea these, I use a tea strainer for my gunpowder green tea [pouring off the boil water over and into the mug.
Teabag for "builders" usually trying to pour water mid boil over it, tho I doubt it matters given the quality of the sawdust in the bags. Coffee is boiling water again over "Lazy Sunday", two scoops of the purple plastic scoop. We have two cafetieres and one of those little Italian pressure doovries but we never use them.
Never have "instant" too much formaldehyde.
This was the winning quilt, "Black Pearl", very clever, lots of oohs and ahhhs.
Lots of labels integrated into the designs, recycling and reclaiming from Mammon.