Friday, 6 March 2009

live on the edge

Went down to the Ferry cafe again for lunch, lots and lots more cholesterol. {Eventually i will learn how to spell it] Even with my statin armour i didn't eat the batter, but I did have quite a lot of chips, tho I believe they are bad for arthritis, but sometimes you just have to live dangerously. I try to avoid all that family, something about enzymes, but I wish I didn't believe it, as it also thus forbids tomatoes, aubergines, chillies, and peppers.

It was a bright day again, sun glittering on the sea, so much so that you could hardly look at it.

Saw M there, looking like a Valkyrie striding the sea wall with Henry the Labrador. She reckons she has lost 2 stone thanks to her 3 hour rampages, marching from Felixstowe and back along the coast, she doesn't have the chips either, so that must help.

The little stall opposite sells fresh fish, locally caught, maybe not the sword fish. I don't much care for fish myself, but it is improved if they have just pulled it out of the water. Poor fish.

This is the little jetty that leads to the ferry to take passengers over to Bawdsey on the other side. So I guess this isn't really the sea, it is sea water but there are sand spits and stuff on this part of the coast, keeping the vast cargo ships far out on the horizon before they risk nosing into the docks. Lots of notices along the beach proclaiming it an ASBO area for speed boaters. Presumably they are usually going too fast to read them tho.

trip out

It is some years since I have been in a Mcdonalds. I was too early for the film, so decided to live dangerously. I instantly remembered that slight feeling of panic trying to choose which queue and what to order.........however now my kids are no longer pounding my ear drums so I was able to concentrate, breath and think at the same time.
I stuttered out my long forgotten mantra, veggie burger, fries and coke with an apology for my frantic stare, explaining i had not been on these premises for many years.
The lady took my order - and pity on me, told me to go and sit down and she would bring the food over on a tray!

Almost persuaded me to ask for a concession ticket in the movie house, but I am not going to admit my age to some flibberty gibbert - so well padded by cholesterol, and defended by my statins I sat in solitary state in the cinema and laughed and cried my way thru Slumdog Millionaire.
Brilliant, unexpectedly lived up to the hype for once. Always encouraging to see something well made. Torture scenes meant i had to close my eyes sometimes but otherwise a very good film IMO and so colourful.