Saturday, 4 June 2011


Thought it was about time I looked at some stitching. Small persons don't leave a lot of gaps in the day. I am/ was working on a piece for a Time and Tide exhibition, so thought i would do fossils.

I have three skinny panels now - not really sure how to present them. I made them by rollering paint and stuff over a lace doily and moving it about to make a background. Then printed some fossil type things and sort of stitched around. Everyone seems pleased with me that I have made something subtle for a change. Poo.

This stitching group is having a fit of the knipshers about what to price our work at. I suspect they think i price too low, but I do want to be affordable. They had a big meeting where they agreed we should charge more I think, I dunno I didn't go.

"Hell is other people".

I once worked at a psychiatric Unit and the chief assured us that "Life is other people". Hmmm perhaps.


Anonymous said...

Good for you :D

carol said...

Like the fossils a lot.

Heide said...

Your fossils are just about the coolest things ever! They belong to you. You should be able to control the price. They're just upset because then they can't ask exhorbitant fees for their wares without looking like greedy pigs.

Gillian said...

I love "The Crowd" that I bought from you a year or so ago and felt that it was exceptionally well priced and I feel the same urge to HAVE one or more of these fossil pieces. I love, collect and display fossils from the local area, and have a few of my father's finds from the South Downs.
Please let us see some more of them.
Cheers Gillian