Friday 26 July 2013

other artists

 Went up to London yesterday to catch the last day of the 62 group exhibition, it was small but perfectly formed showing work by some of my favourite artists.

 The last picture is of a large scale piece [the 62 group's were all smallish really] by Roanna Wells, and was on show at the Jerwood [i always want to say Jedwood] at their Makers Open exhibition. She has developed her seed stitching mark making to the point where this taken from an aerial view of a religious festival at Allahabad.  It is held every 12 years and attracts over 100 million pilgrims.
She says of the fact that she was present when the image was taken "It has given it more meaning for me, has given the piece a lot more gravitas.  It has made it more personal"  I wonder if that is what is missing from some textile work, the underlying meaning, rather than a main concern with texture and technique.

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