Thursday 25 April 2013

end of days

Had a really nasty fluey cold which left me fed up and wondering just why am i bothering. 
Not sure I know the answer, but the sun has come out and my lady tutor noticed I was depressed and gave me a big hug.  Unlike my 2 male tutors who strode over my dead body without breaking stride.  Artists are rarely team players, lady tutor whispered in my ear.
Partly it is because the end of semester is nigh. 
Since I am Part Time/half price I am not featuring in the final assessment exhibition, thus feel left out!  Also male tutor instructs us to clear all our work/rubbish from the building after the exhibition, thus I am forced to accept that my blood letting and head banging to produce "work" will only result in full recycling bins.
Have one more male tutor day, and two more with trainee lady tutor, whom I have learnt to appreciate, even tho she pronounces everyone's work as "awesome" rather than - where's the bin..........she is doing her training year, so produces lesson plans and individual tuition. 
She'll grow out of that in time.  We are doing portraits with her, so this is my first attempt at my mother, whom i persuaded to sit for us.  Ma quite enjoyed meeting new people - finding them quite agreeable was a pleasant surprise to her. Dunno what she expected, more of Me maybe.
Will start a new painting of her tomorrow, this one will perhaps get re-painted - or binned......or both
We have a Summer Project to tide us over, plus a Textile Art exhibition or 2 coming up. Daughter and grandson are due next month.
A person jumped off the bridge last week, he missed the river and hit the road,  I plan a painting of the two decaying bouquets placed at the foot of the bridge stretching it's grey cement to the blue sky.  That'll cheer me up.


Gillian said...

I've resisted purchasing oilbars as yet. I have more materials than my art deserves, but I love your portrait and the effect is so much better than oil pastels.'Love the portrait of your Mother too.
Cheers Gillian

carol said...

The painting of your mum is VG with gold star. I think she was brave to be a model. She might have found herself with two ears one side or a bird flying out of her head.

Here's an idea: get your friends from other stitching groups to have a combined multi-media exhibition.Your work should not go to waste. I bet some of them dabble in other stuff beside fabric.